Eldorado Shared Path and Dredge Loop Cock’s Eldorado Dredge, one of the largest dredges in the Southern Hemisphere, has remained in its final mooring place at Eldorado since 1954.
Glenbosch Wine Estate WINE. GIN. FOOD Situated in Beechworth Wine Region, Victoria. Join us for wine and gin tastings or enjoy lunch with beautiful North East Victorian views.
The Gumboot Walk Eldorado Don you gumboots in winter or sand shoes in summer, for a walk along the scenic Reidy Creek beaches with your day pack for a...
Wangaratta to Everton Station (Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail) Heading from the bustling regional centre of Wangaratta, you will cycle your way through iconic Aussie farmland.
Reid’s Walk Reid’s walk is a shared path that winds its way through the former alluvial gold mining area with tailings and settling ponds that Eldorado’s historic...
Serengale Gayle Taylor and Serena Abbinga searched for over three years for a suitable site across Victoria before finding 60 acres at the foothills of the...
Fire Tracks, Ridges and Rides From the centre of town cycle your way out and over the swing bridges and into the Mt Pilot National Park.
Weathercraft Wines Weathercraft Wine, is the coming together of a dream to make great wine sustainably, from vines grown with true respect for nature and soil.
The Eldorado Dredge Although the town’s main gold extraction was through open-cut methods, the gold discovered in the river flats wasn’t as easily accessible as gold found further...
El Dorado Museum The El Dorado Museum collection is sited in the original school house number 246 which opened in 1870.
Monument Hill Lookout This rugged outcrop of granite at the south-east corner of the Eldorado township is home to a monument honouring farrier Edwin Baldwin who died while...
Eldorado Swing Bridge Beginning in the centre of Eldorado, following the creek traverse the winding track through the rejuvenated native forest, seeped in mining history and tales of...
Reedy Creek - Woolshed Valley Reedy Creek in the Woolshed Valley just outside of Eldorado in North East Victoria is a great spot to get away from everything.
Gold Panning and Fossicking Gold panning or fossicking along the creek is a very popular and successful hobby and it’s a great way to experience the ‘Gold Rush’ of...